Saturday, December 3, 2011

Parkzone Habu Foamy

My Habu is a bone stock 70MM EDF foam jet from Parkzone. I fly Futaba radios so I bought the plug and play version. I use Turnigy Nano-Tech 3300 4S packs. I get a solid 5-5 1/2 minute flight and usually put back 2800-3200 MA into the packs. It flies very solid, very predictably. It will get into a spin if you do a snap until the airspeed bleeds off, so play around up high till you know the limits. It's easy to see, slows down nicely for landing and handles wind up to 10mph easily and 15mph if you want to push it. It's a great knockaround jet and it's clearly popular for a reason. This bird is a must have for a jet pilot.